Sacred Crystal Properties


Three books we highly recommend and sell are...

"The Book of Stones" (revised & expanded edition)

by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, ($35.00)

Stones of the New Consciousness ($24.95) 

The Pocket Book of Stones by Robert Simmons (revised & expanded edition ($17.95)

They are often referred to the Stone & Crystal Bibles. Rightfully so, as they are loaded with incredible information that many will attest to being remarkably bang on when you have followed your intuition in selecting crystals and read their properties from these books.

Below is a list of stones with links that Robert has graciously made available for our reference. This list is not a complete list, but certainly covers most of the well known stones and the ones we sell. If we have missed one of your favorites, please let us know, if it is available we will post if for you.


The Book of Stones ($35.00) Stones of the New Consciousness ($24.95)

The Pocket Book of Stones ($17.95)

Crystal & Stone Information from A to Z

(from the Book of Stones, The Pocket Book of Stones
& Stones of the New Consciousness)

We are an official distributor for Heaven and Earth...we sell a variety of stones from Robert's collection. If there are stones that you are particularly interested in please contact us, if I don't have them in stock, we can most often get them.